Share your insights on Celoxis, and earn a $50 Amazon voucher. Start your review with our simple how-to video. Choose ‘Click here to Write a Review’ or, if short on time, choose ‘I’m Busy, Write a Review for Me’. Remember to submit by July 15, 2023, to claim your Amazon voucher.

Frequently Asked Questions


Writing a review takes just 15 minutes. To make it worth your effort, we will send you a $50 Amazon gift card once your review that meets our guidelines is published.


Please remember to share your review before the July 15, 2023 deadline to claim your $50 Amazon voucher.

How to get your rewards?

Once your review is published, please send a screenshot of your submission to If you choose to remain anonymous with your review, a screenshot is still required for us to verify your submission and process your reward. You can expect to receive your reward within 72 hours from the time we receive your review screenshot.

What if I’m from a different country, can I still participate?

Absolutely! Our campaign is open to all Celoxis clients worldwide. The Amazon gift card can be used in any country where Amazon is accessible. If your local currency is different, we will send you a gift card equivalent to $50 USD in your local currency.

Review Guidelines

Get set to write a killer review! Just follow these guidelines and wait for your review to be published.

What if I don’t have the time to write a review but still want to participate?

If you’re pressed for time but have valuable feedback to share, feel free to send us an email detailing your experience at We’ll craft a review based on your feedback. Once it’s ready, we will send it to you, and all you’ll have to do is copy and submit it.

We will not publish your email address nor use it to contact you about our products.