Adding Events

You can add events in your calendar and if you have administrative privileges, you can also add events for other users, for a work calendar or for the entire company.

To add an event, click on the user icon on top-right and then Calendar. In the new page, click in the date cell on which you wish to add the event.

For Whom?The user for whom you are creating the event. To add for a work calendar, choose Everyone in work calendar... and select the work calendars. To add an event for all users in your company choose Everyone.
NameA short description of your event.
EventIsNonWorkWhether this event affects how tasks are scheduled. Read More.
EventSharingHow this event will appear to others. Read More.
StartThe date on which you want to start the event.
ReminderIf set, the user will receive an email notification at the time as a reminder.
RecurThe recurring pattern for this event.
InviteesOther users attending this event. If this event impacts scheduling, then it impacts tasks assigned to these invitees too. Read More.
Time zone independent Check this option the event is going to happen at different times e.g. 25th December (Christmas) happens at different times. Uncheck this option when the event is going to happen at the same time e.g. a world-wide product launch.