Copying and Moving tasks

Copying tasks copies task attribute, attached files and security while moving tasks also moves the attached entities like time logs, expenses and updates.

Copying or moving tasks in the same project

  1. Open the project's interactive gantt chart
  2. Select the tasks to copy or move
  3. Press Ctrl+C to copy or Ctrl+X to cut
  4. Select a task underwhich to copy/move these tasks and press Ctrl+V

Copying tasks from a different project

  1. Open the project's interactive gantt chart in which you want to copy the tasks to
  2. Click AddCopy from another project from the toolbar
  3. Select a project and choose tasks to copy. If you choose a summary task, its descendants will also be copied.
  4. Submit the form
A copy of the tasks will be created.

Moving tasks to a different project

  1. Open the project's interactive gantt chart from which you want to move the tasks
  2. Select the tasks to move
  3. Right click and choose Move
  4. Select the destination project
Tasks will be moved to the new project. The rolled-up data of both, the new and old, projects are updated.